Retrieve search results by keyword

Returns array of tweets provided by Twitter search page. Typically Twitter returns ~20 results per page. You can request additional search results by sending another request to the same endpoint using cursor parameter.



Endpoint parameters


query (Required)

A UTF-8, URL-encoded search query, including any operators supported by Twitter website search

from:elonmusk doge

cursor (Optional)

Cursor value obtained from next_cursor response property


type (Optional)

Search type (Latest for recent tweets or Top for popular tweets)

Default: Latest


Using search operators

This endpoint supports all search operators supported by Twitter. Search operators must be included as part of query parameter and not as separate endpoint parameters.

Some frequently used search operators:

  • from:USERNAME will return all tweets and replies made by user

  • from:USERNAME filter:replies will return only replies, but not tweets

  • from:USERNAME -filter:replies will return only tweets, but not replies

  • since_time:TIMESTAMP and until_time:TIMESTAMP will return tweets and comments posted after or before the provided UNIX timestamp

  • since_id:TWEET_ID and max_id:TWEET_ID will return tweets with ID higher or lower than the provided TWEET_ID

  • conversation_id:TWEET_ID will return all comments posted in response to TWEET_ID

For a more detailed overview of Twitter search operators refer to the following page:

Known Limitations

Twitter removes tweets flagged as spam, or all tweets from all shadow-banned users. Request to retrieve tweets or comments made by a shadow-banned user (i.e. from:USERNAME) will always return 0 tweets, but the user's timeline is still available through User tweets and replies endpoint.

Retrieving large datasets

While Twitter returns a limited number of results when using "Latest" search filter, it is possible to cycle through a larger dataset using max_id: and since_id: search operators.

When retrieving Latest search results, Twitter provides the response with tweets sorted by ID in descending order. If you need to retrieve more posts - simply make another request with the same query adding max_id:[lowest ID from current dataset].Using this approach it is possible to extract the entire timeline from the moment an account was registered.

Response codes

  • HTTP 200 OK - succeeded

  • HTTP 402 Payment Required - not enough credits to perform this request

  • HTTP 404 Not Found - requested tweet does not exist

  • HTTP 422 Unprocessable Content - validation failed (e.g. one of the required parameters was not provided)

  • HTTP 500 Internal Server Error - other error, typically means that SocialData API failed to obtain the requested information and you should try again later

Rate limits

By default each user has a limit of 120 requests per minute shared across all endpoints. Please reach out to if you need to raise your rate limit.

Example request

curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY'
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Example response

// If succeeded: 
    "tweets": [
            "tweet_created_at": "2023-12-13T05:39:09.000000Z",
            "id_str": "1734810168053956719",
            "text": null,
            "full_text": "@TeslaHype Pace of Progress",
            "source": "<a href=\"http:\\/\\/\\/download\\/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone<\\/a>",
            "truncated": false,
            "in_reply_to_status_id_str": "1734777084268920960",
            "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "1311506622821400581",
            "in_reply_to_screen_name": "TeslaHype",
            "user": {
                "id_str": "44196397",
                "name": "Elon Musk",
                "screen_name": "elonmusk",
                "location": "\\ud835\\udd4f\\u00d0",
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                "protected": false,
                "verified": false,
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                "can_dm": false
            "quoted_status_id_str": null,
            "is_quote_status": false,
            "quoted_status": null,
            "retweeted_status": null,
            "quote_count": 11,
            "reply_count": 156,
            "retweet_count": 78,
            "favorite_count": 977,
            "lang": "en",
            "entities": {
                "user_mentions": [
                        "id_str": "1311506622821400581",
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            "views_count": 32377,
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            "tweet_created_at": "2023-12-13T05:38:26.000000Z",
            "id_str": "1734809984674693446",
            "text": null,
            "full_text": "@anammostarac Yeah",
            "source": "<a href=\"http:\\/\\/\\/download\\/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone<\\/a>",
            "truncated": false,
            "in_reply_to_status_id_str": "1734809562258276654",
            "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "2852570664",
            "in_reply_to_screen_name": "anammostarac",
            "user": {
                "id_str": "44196397",
                "name": "Elon Musk",
                "screen_name": "elonmusk",
                "location": "\\ud835\\udd4f\\u00d0",
                "url": null,
                "description": "",
                "protected": false,
                "verified": false,
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                "listed_count": 149586,
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                "statuses_count": 34934,
                "created_at": "2009-06-02T20:12:29.000000Z",
                "profile_banner_url": "https:\\/\\/\\/profile_banners\\/44196397\\/1690621312",
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            "quoted_status_id_str": null,
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            "quote_count": 4,
            "reply_count": 64,
            "retweet_count": 30,
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            "lang": "en",
            "entities": {
                "user_mentions": [
                        "id_str": "2852570664",
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                        "indices": [
                "urls": [],
                "hashtags": [],
                "symbols": []
            "views_count": 25579,
            "bookmark_count": 3

// If failed:
    "message":"Failed to fetch data from Twitter"

Last updated