Retrieve community tweets timeline

Returns array of tweets from the community timeline. Typically Twitter returns ~20 results per page. You can request additional results by sending another request to the same endpoint using cursor parameter. If the community has a pinned post - this post will be returned on all subsequent requests made with the cursor.

This endpoint doesn't support any filters.



Endpoint parameters


community_id (Required)

Target community ID


type (required)

Search type (Latest for recent tweets or Top for popular tweets)

Default: Latest


cursor (Optional)

Cursor value obtained from next_cursor response property


count (optional)

Maximum number of users to retrieve per single request Min: 20 Default: 20 Max: 40


Common Issues and Best Practices

  • In languages where the community_id value exceeds the default Integer type limit (e.g., Node.js), store community_id as a string. Use the id_str property returned by the API for these values

  • Always URL-encode the cursor value when passing it back to the API for subsequent requests

Response codes

  • HTTP 200 OK - succeeded

  • HTTP 402 Payment Required - not enough credits to perform this request

  • HTTP 404 Not Found - requested comminity does not exist

  • HTTP 422 Unprocessable Content - validation failed (e.g. one of the required parameters was not provided)

  • HTTP 500 Internal Server Error - other error, typically means that SocialData API failed to obtain the requested information and you should try again later

Rate limits

By default each user has a limit of 120 requests per minute shared across all endpoints. Please reach out to if you need to raise your rate limit.

Example request

curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY'
-H 'Accept: application/json

Example response

// If succeeded: 
    "tweets": [
            "tweet_created_at": "2023-12-13T05:39:09.000000Z",
            "id_str": "1734810168053956719",
            "text": null,
            "full_text": "@TeslaHype Pace of Progress",
            "source": "<a href=\"http:\\/\\/\\/download\\/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone<\\/a>",
            "truncated": false,
            "in_reply_to_status_id_str": "1734777084268920960",
            "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "1311506622821400581",
            "in_reply_to_screen_name": "TeslaHype",
            "user": {
                "id_str": "44196397",
                "name": "Elon Musk",
                "screen_name": "elonmusk",
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                "description": "",
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                "profile_banner_url": "https:\\/\\/\\/profile_banners\\/44196397\\/1690621312",
                "profile_image_url_https": "https:\\/\\/\\/profile_images\\/1683325380441128960\\/yRsRRjGO_normal.jpg",
                "can_dm": false
            "quoted_status_id_str": null,
            "is_quote_status": false,
            "quoted_status": null,
            "retweeted_status": null,
            "quote_count": 11,
            "reply_count": 156,
            "retweet_count": 78,
            "favorite_count": 977,
            "lang": "en",
            "entities": {
                "user_mentions": [
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            "views_count": 32377,
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            "tweet_created_at": "2023-12-13T05:38:26.000000Z",
            "id_str": "1734809984674693446",
            "text": null,
            "full_text": "@anammostarac Yeah",
            "source": "<a href=\"http:\\/\\/\\/download\\/iphone\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPhone<\\/a>",
            "truncated": false,
            "in_reply_to_status_id_str": "1734809562258276654",
            "in_reply_to_user_id_str": "2852570664",
            "in_reply_to_screen_name": "anammostarac",
            "user": {
                "id_str": "44196397",
                "name": "Elon Musk",
                "screen_name": "elonmusk",
                "location": "\\ud835\\udd4f\\u00d0",
                "url": null,
                "description": "",
                "protected": false,
                "verified": false,
                "followers_count": 166213349,
                "friends_count": 506,
                "listed_count": 149586,
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                "statuses_count": 34934,
                "created_at": "2009-06-02T20:12:29.000000Z",
                "profile_banner_url": "https:\\/\\/\\/profile_banners\\/44196397\\/1690621312",
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            "quote_count": 4,
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            "lang": "en",
            "entities": {
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                        "indices": [
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                "hashtags": [],
                "symbols": []
            "views_count": 25579,
            "bookmark_count": 3

// If failed:
    "message":"Failed to fetch data from Twitter"

Last updated