Retrieve large number of search results
Returns array of tweets provided by Twitter search page. Although Twitter returns ~20 search results per page, this endpoint will attempt to retrieve more results by sending additional requests until max_count is reached.
Endpoint parameters
query (Required)
A UTF-8, URL-encoded search query , including any operators supported by Twitter website search.
from:elon_musk since_id:123 max_id:345
type (optional)
Search type (Latest for recent tweets or Top for popular tweets)
Default: Latest
since_id (optional)
Job will stop execution once this Tweet ID is reached
max_id (optional)
Tweet ID to start scraping from. This will be appended to your search query as max_id:[ID]
max_count (optional)
Maximum number of tweets to be returned. Use this to control your costs Default: 20
compress (optional)
Indicates whether dataset should be compressed to zip before uploading to S3
Default: false
output_format (optional)
Preferred output file format. Supported values: csv, json, xlsx. Json recommended due to more detailed output Default: json
Response codes
HTTP 200 OK - succeeded
HTTP 402 Payment Required - not enough credits to perform this request
HTTP 422 Unprocessable Content - validation failed (e.g. one of the required parameters was not provided)
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error - other error (highly unlikely)
Example response
Example job status response
Once a job is processed, the following response will be provided by GET /jobs/[job_id]
endpoint or by webhook event:
Last updated